Tailings Insights brings together people, processes and technology for tailings dam safety and compliance. Tailings Insights assists the miners and the wider mining community in driving safety of tailings dam management and effective implementation of the Global Industry Standard.

Compliance is a complex process and is a bi-product of many different initiatives. Tailings Insights brings it all together from a strategic level through to implementation.

Tailings Insights provides an overarching vantage point of a Miners Tailings Storage Facilities, allowing for Risk to be assessed and internal/external stakeholders to work in synchronisation towards one defined operational outcome.

Tailings Insights provides real-time governance and operational insight for mining organizations into the condition and integrity of their tailings dams globally, supporting the ‘zero harm’ ethos of the mining industry, increasing the speed with which decisions can be made, reducing exposure to risk and contributing to compliance with regulatory legislation

Tailings Insights starts with understanding each clients unique TSF reality and from there creates a Pragmatic path to achieve Regulatory Compliance, based on every stakeholders role being clearly defined, and performance being transparent in real-time